Postpartum care

Postpartum doula / postpartum care professional is like a guardian angel, that notices each member of the family and honors their importance in a postnatal period. I help maintain home warmth and harmony on both an emotional and physical level. I am there as an invisible shadow or as an active helper, depending on what kind of help the family needs the most. I respect the need to create close bond between mother and a baby, making sure that the mother does not have to burden herself with daily responsibilities. The support I offer is physical, emotional and informational. This is a complete service and you don’t have to spend your valuable time looking for different specialists. Use postpartum time wisely, it’s prescious, it’s for adapting, learning and growing together as a family.

The support I offer does not fit within certain limits, as a postpartum doula, I agree with each family separately what kind of help and in what amount they need from me. I am flexible in my arrangements, as life with babies is always full of surprises.

I offer physical support

  • I will help take care of the baby when you need a break
  • I bathe, wrap, dress and do all the necessary things with the baby
  • I allow you to take time for yourself: to take a shower, drink tea, take care of yourself - yes, even some ordinary activities may me challenging with a newborn
  • I look after older kids - teach, play and feed
  • I prepare a refreshing meal and make sure that your menu includes foods that support postpartum recovery
  • I take care of the household
  • I walk the dog or cat
  • I do shopping
  • I support postpartum recovery

I offer emotional support

  • I support the close and loving relationship between you and your baby
  • I listen and help to understand what was experienced during childbirth
  • I help the older children of the family to adapt new roles
  • I explain to your partner what changes a woman goes through when she becomes a mother and how to support her on this journey in order to maintain closeness between you two
  • I listen and support you without prejudice, I accept your feelings

I offer informative support

  • I offer breastfeeding support
  • I explain how growth spurts and developmental leaps affect a baby's behavior in the first year of life
  • I help find out the causes of the baby's crying and restlessness
  • I will show you how to relieve your baby's gas pains using massage and other methods
  • I introduce cloth diapers, if you’re interested
  • I help to choose an ergonomic baby carrier
  • I share contacts about interesting baby groups and activities
  • I help distinguish myths from scientifically proven information
  • I give practical recommendations on how to reduce the stress of family pets
  • I teach exercises that support the pelvic floor muscles, I help choose training equipment

Postpartum care home visit: 20 EUR per hour (visiidi miinimumtasu 60 EUR)

My support is based on my professional knowledge and a sincere desire to make the postpartum period beautiful and bright for all family members. I accept different methods of parenthood, my job is to support your choices.

If I have spare time, I also offer babysitting service for small children (including night care at the child's own home): fee upon agreement.

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